Becoming Conscious
Becoming Conscious
#49 - Joe Faulkner - The Good & the Bad of the Psychedelic Renaissance

#49 - Joe Faulkner - The Good & the Bad of the Psychedelic Renaissance

The difficulties of building healthy relationships and how psychedelics afford new relational challenges as well as opportunities

A good friend of mine, Joe Faulkner, joins me for my first IRL podcast interview. Joe is pursuing a master’s degree in Mindfulness-based Transpersonal Counseling and has tons of experience with the integration of altered states of consciousness and embodiment practices. This conversation is multi-faceted hovering around the topics of relationships, psychedelics, and the psychological/relational difficulties that arise in seeking community and spiritual connection to others.

Becoming Conscious
Becoming Conscious
Becoming Conscious is a podcast about understanding our inner nature and challenging the status quo. On this podcast we discuss nonduality, enlightenment, and self-inquiry as well as freedom, travel and living a fulfilling life. You can check out comprehensive show notes at