How to start a blog
Recently I started I blog. I made this blog for free through wordpress and so far it is working out great. I am not expecting to make money from it yet. I just want to write down all my thoughts and hope that people can gain value from them. If you want to know what I am doing to get more viewers per month read on.
At around this time last year I started a blog and it didn't work out great. I had no views and I wasn't to interested in writing. I also tried again to start a blog about 3 months ago and the same thing happened. Now finally I have started a blog and it is gaining readers everyday.
The most important thing to gain readers is persistence. You have to write frequently and gain a certain amount of posts so that when people go to your blog they can see that you have written many different posts and know that you will write more. It took about 10 posts for me to gain reader interest and know that I had a good base to go off of.
In wordpress I am scheduling all my posts. This helps because if I want to get ahead and not feel like I am uploading all my posts at once, than I can write 2 or 3 posts at a time and schedule them for every other day of the week. The post I am writing today is going to be posted tomorrow because I have already scheduled enough posts to fill the month of august posting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So this post is going up on Saturday.
Once you have scheduled many posts you can start to gain readers. The first thing I did was like other peoples posts and follow other people on wordpress. Than once I thought I did enough of that I started advertising on twitter. It has cost me nothing. I started by making a new account so that it is not my personal account and than I linked about 10 of my articles to tweets. Once I had some tweets on my page I started following as many people in the same niche as my article as I could. I think at one time I had followed 700 people. Than I waited for people to follow me back. Not very many people followed me back but it just took some time. Than after a day or two I had 60 followers and than I unfollowed all the other people that didn't follow me back. Now I have 60 followers on twitter to see my new articles when I tweet them. I plan to repeat the process and gain followers so that I can reach more of an audience. This has also lead to many readers on my blog.
I have now been writing more posts and tweeting them and my readership is growing and growing. As of the time I am writing this article I am using a free website from wordpress with a ending on it. I made a deal with myself that if I could write 100 posts and gain reader than I would buy a domain and maybe think of a good website name. Right now I have written about 25 posts so I still have a long way to go, but I am looking forward to having my own domain if this works out.It would also be great to earn money from my blog but first I must gain readers and posts.
I would greatly appreciate if you could give me feedback, and maybe follow this site or comeback and read more posts. If you want you can comment and give me the name of a blog or Youtube channel of yours and I will be sure to look at it and help you out also.