Becoming Conscious
Becoming Conscious
Principles of the Evolutionary Process
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -15:57
  • earlier vs. later

    Note: We use "earlier and later" vs. "lower and higher" to avoid the bias found in the latter.

    • rather than higher vs. lower

      • implicit assumptions

  • no one is entirely at one stage or another

    • it's more like a probability

    • all stages are idealizations

    • every human being is a unique idiosyncratic representation of these mental models and never fits the model perfectly

    • if you're stressed then you'll be at the lower stage and if your life is going well then you'll probably peak experience one of the higher levels

  • this is a scientific model

    • so it has it's limits

    • it can't handle every instance of life and the world

    • not every situation in the world can fit into this model

  • all growth happens in separate lines of development

    • different lines of development can be at different stages of growth

    • There's no "stage development" without a particular line.

      • the levels of development never occur on their own, they are always levels of some line

  • later stages aren't necessarily happier

  • shadows develop at every stage

  • later stages can understand earlier — but earlier can't understand later

    • it's pointless to try to get someone at an earlier stage to understand a later stage concept or way of viewing the world

  • growth can't be forced

  • these stages are the map NOT the territory

  • the later the stage, the lesser the need for defending our perspective

  • none of these stages are good are bad

    • they're all a necessary part of human development

  • the hard part of this work is:

    • being humble enough to admit that there are stages that are higher and more developed as you

    • to a 1st grader who sees calculus on a chalkboard will seem like new-age woo woo that means nothing.

      • so not judging the higher stages is crucial

  • each stage has the capabilities of the stages beneath it

    • transcend and include

    • key word INCLUDE

    • each stage builds on top of the previous stages

    • even advanced stages can still conform, to use the rational mind, they don't lose these abilities

    • the higher stages can understand the lower stages, but the lower can't understand the higher

  • when you're stressed and in survival-mode you will regress stages

  • mystical experiences can happen at any stages but the mind will interpret the experience in terms of whatever stage you're at

  • Greuters model consists of mostly the cognitive line

    • what's being measured is your capacity to take perspectives

    • it's how you mind make sense of reality

    • this model relates to meaning making

  • And Spiral Dynamics relates to what we value

    • what we deem as important and what we're driven by

  • These aren't the only psychological models of development

  • horizontal vs. vertical

    • horizontal could mean

      • getter better and better at business and expert skills

      • self-help is most often done on the horizontal level

    • vertical movement

      • much more difficult

      • requires more depth, effort and a longer vision

  • The levels alternate between differentiation and integration

    • from impulsive differentiation of self - separate from everything else

    • to integration into a conformist mindset

    • to differentiation into a individualistic (expert/achiever)

  • Note that each stage is it's own reality

    • why conservatives and liberals can't understand each other

    • every structural stage of belief systems are their own realities

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Becoming Conscious
Becoming Conscious
Becoming Conscious is a podcast about understanding our inner nature and challenging the status quo. On this podcast we discuss nonduality, enlightenment, and self-inquiry as well as freedom, travel and living a fulfilling life. You can check out comprehensive show notes at