Swinging with intention
How do we swing the golf club? How are we taught to swing it? Could there be a way to swing the club that intentionally adds distance and accuracy with just a little bit of practice. I am setting out to learn to swing the club with intention. So that I can add distance and accuracy and hopefully become a scratch golfer.
I got this idea from, Sean Clements youtube channel. It is probably the best channel for golf on youtube. I feel like it has the best points and most intentional swinging method out there.
On the course, you want to have as little thought about your swing and most of your thought on the target. You also want to be relaxed, your hands should naturally release to the target. You don't want to force your hands to roll over or anything.
I am going to set out to determine the optimal swing with the intention of the most accuracy and distance. All swings aren't going to look the same, but the process and ideas of how to swing it are. I might make an e book. Or I might just write many articles.